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ZB01B type disc sampler sampling for plastic bags and a variety of fabrics and other materials, supporting the balance weight calculation.
ZB01B type disc sampler technical parameters
Specifications Dimensions (L × W × H)
ZB01A 50000mm2 294 × 294 × 112mm
ZB01B 10000mm2 156 × 156 × 112mm
Copyright © 2000-2017 Changzhou Shuanggudunda Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: No. 1-2 Zoufu Road, Zhonglou District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Sales phone: 0086-519-83978776,0086-519-83978775
After-sales telephone: 0086-519-83978771
Fax: 0086-519-83978773 Email: Support:Eastnet [Manage]